Mallilo & Grossman Attorneys at Law

Severe injuries commonly associated with construction work

On Behalf of Mallilo & Grossman Attorneys at Law | Jun 21, 2023 | construction accidents |

Construction is a vital industry that contributes to the development of infrastructure and the growth of economies. However, it is also known for the inherent risks and hazards it presents to workers.

Severe injuries can occur on construction sites, and it is crucial to understand and address these risks to help ensure the safety and well-being of workers. Stay tuned to explore some of the most common severe injuries associated with construction work and the importance of proper safety measures.

Falls from heights

Falls from heights are among the most significant causes of severe injuries in the construction industry. Construction workers often perform tasks at elevated locations, such as roofs, scaffolding or ladders. Without proper safety precautions, these heights can pose a serious risk. Fall accidents can lead to fractures, spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries or even fatalities.

Employers should provide workers with comprehensive fall protection systems to help mitigate the risk of falls. This includes safety harnesses, guardrails and secure scaffolding. Regular inspection and equipment maintenance are also essential to help ensure their effectiveness in preventing accidents.

Caught-in/between accidents

Caught-in/between accidents occur when a worker is caught, squeezed or crushed between objects or machinery. Construction sites often involve heavy machinery, excavations and moving parts, increasing the risk of these accidents. This can result in severe injuries, including fractures, amputations and crush injuries.

Proper training and awareness are crucial to help prevent caught-in/between accidents. Workers should be educated about the potential hazards associated with machinery and the importance of maintaining safe distances. Implementing safety protocols, such as lockout/tagout procedures and installing protective barriers, can also significantly reduce the risk of these accidents.

Respiratory hazards

Construction work can expose workers to various respiratory hazards, such as dust, fumes and toxic substances. Prolonged exposure to these hazards can lead to respiratory illnesses, including lung damage, occupational asthma and other chronic diseases.

Employers should provide appropriate respiratory protection equipment, such as respirators, masks or ventilation systems, to help protect workers from respiratory hazards. Regular air quality monitoring on construction sites is also essential to identify potential hazards and take necessary measures to control or eliminate them.

Construction work plays a crucial role in society. Thus, it is essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of workers to help prevent severe injuries commonly associated with construction that can have devastating consequences.