Mallilo & Grossman Attorneys at Law

May 25, 2023

On Behalf of Mallilo & Grossman Attorneys at Law | May 25, 2023 | Uncategorized |

When people get injured, their first instinct may be to tough it out. They think that the injury will heal on its own after a short time. Some of the reason for this may also be financial. Medical attention can be very expensive in the United States, so someone may be tempted to skip that step.

If you have a head injury, though, you will never want to give in to the temptation to tough it out. Doing so could be very dangerous. Even if it’s true that the injury will simply need time to heal – such as with a concussion – you still want to talk to medical professionals rather than risking complications from a self-diagnosis.

Injuries can get worse

The thing to keep in mind is that some head and brain injuries can get worse with time. If you don’t get medical care and you don’t have a diagnosis, your condition could become more complicated by the minute. An example of this is if you have bleeding in the brain or in the surrounding tissues. This could be called a subdural hematoma, or it could be a similar condition. Either way, tissue has been damaged and there’s bleeding inside your skull, leading to increased pressure.

The problem with this increased pressure is that it can lead to the death of neurons, which usually cannot be replicated. At the beginning, you may think that you just have a minor headache or almost no symptoms at all. But your symptoms can start to become even more severe, eventually resulting in things like disorientation or unconsciousness.

There are surgeries that can be done to alleviate this pressure. People do survive subdural hematomas – and similar brain bleeds – every day. But the key is to get that diagnosis as soon as possible so that this treatment option can be used. By putting it off, people are only making their situation worse and increasing the odds that they will have life-changing ramifications or that they could even pass away from their injury.

How will you cover the costs?

As noted above, medical care is not cheap. If you are injured in a car accident and you do go to the hospital, you may benefit from knowing how to seek financial compensation from the driver who was responsible for the crash that led to your injuries. Seeking legal guidance is a good place to start.